ADSL2+ Modem Router DM111PSPv2 User Manual
v1.0, December 2008
troubleshooting 6-4
logging messages 2-9
login name, factory default 2-3, 6-5
logs 2-10
lost connection 4-3
MAC addresses
ADSL port 2-6
for IP QoS 5-11
for reserved IP address 4-4
LAN port 2-6
managing the modem router remotely 2-13, 5-12
manually connecting 5-6
Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU), default values 4-3, 5-5
microfilters 6-3, 6-4
multicast filtering 5-12
NAT (Net Address Translation) 5-2
NAT/Application Level Gateway (NAT ALG) 4-9
NETGEAR product support 1-2
Network Time Protocol (NTP) 6-8
online games, port triggering for 3-8
outbound traffic rules
IP filtering 3-4
port triggering 3-8
changing 2-1
factory default 2-3, 6-5
restoring 6-8
physical specifications A-1
pinging the modem router 2-14
port numbers 2-13, 3-6
power adapter specifications A-1
Power LED, troubleshooting 6-2
PPP idle timer 1-8, 5-6
PPP over ATM (PPPoA)
configuring 1-5
troubleshooting 6-7
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
configuring 1-5
troubleshooting 6-7
PPP settings 5-6
protocols, data and routing A-1
Quality of Service (QoS)
adding IP QoS traffic rules 5-11
viewing IP QoS traffic rule settings 5-11
reference documents B-1
remote access
authorized hosts 2-14
using HTTP 2-13
using Telnet 2-13
using TFTP 2-13
using TR 060 5-12
Remote call procedure (RPC) 5-13
remote management 5-12
requirements, installation 1-1
reserved, IP address 4-4
reset button 6-8
resetting to factory settings 2-3
Resource CD 1-2
restoring the configuration file 2-3
restricting, service to a particular computer or subnet 3-8
revision history (for this manual) 1-xiv
router status, viewing 2-5
routing protocols A-1
routing table 2-12