ADSL2+ Modem Router DM111PSPv2 User Manual
2-14 Managing Your Modem Router
v1.0, December 2008
• PING. Select this check box to configure the modem router to reply to a ping command
under a DOS prompt.
4. As an optional step, you can specify authorized IP addresses that can be used to access the
modem router. To do so, click Authorized Host IP Address List.
To authorize Internet hosts for remote for remote access:
a. Select the Internet connection for which you want to allow remote access from the
drop-down list.
b. Select a radio button to specify how you want Internet hosts to access your modem router:
• All Internet hosts can access your router
• Only authorized Internet hosts can access your router
c. Click Apply in the Authorized Host IP Address List screen to activate the authorized
Internet hosts for remote access.
5. When you are finished, click Apply in the Remote Access screen so that your changes take
Figure 2-13