
ADSL2+ Modem Router DM111PSPv2 User Manual
5-2 Advanced WAN Configuration
v1.0, December 2008
The following table describes the settings on the WAN Setup screen.
Table 5-1. WAN Setup
Field Description
PVC Name
Connect hyperlink
Connection link name.
Click the Connect hyperlink to connect to the WAN.
VPI/VCI The VPI/VCI settings (see Table 5-3 on page 5-4 for an explanation of these
Category UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate), a guaranteed QoS for ATM networks.
Protocol PPPoE LLC/SNAP (Logical Link Control/Sub Network Access Protocol).
NAT (Net Address
NAT automatically assigns private IP addresses (10.1.1.x) to LAN-connected
On. NAT is enabled.
Off. NAT is disabled. Disable NAT only if you are sure that you do not require
it. For example, if the modem router is on the same network as a router that is
using NAT.
QoS (Quality of Service) The modem router supports QoS applications. See “Quality of Service (QoS)
Settings” on page 5-10.
WAN IP Address The method that the ISP uses to assign the WAN IP address. If your ISP assigns
private IP addresses, your private WAN IP address is shown here. Otherwise the
setting is Auto assigned.
MTU The MTU (Maximum Transmit Unit) value set in the LAN IP screen. See “LAN IP
Setup” on page 4-1.
Edit Icons that enable you to edit (the pencil icon) or delete (the waste bin icon) the
WAN connection.
Add button For adding a Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC) to the WAN. See the
following section.