Compact NetFront is a registered trademark or trademark of Access Co. Ltd.
in Japan and selected countries worldwide.
Copyright © 1998-2001 ACCESS CO. LTD.
our mobile allows you to access dedicated i-mode web sites and webpages
thanks to the i-mode standards. You can for instance send and receive e-mails
and MMS, connect to i-mode sites and download images and 32 tone melodies for
your mobile (see setting an image as a main screen, a welcome screen or a good-
bye screen from the pictures folder, page 44, welcome screen, page 62, goodbye
screen, page 62).
Access to the i-mode is network dependent. Please contact your service provider for
full details about subscription conditions. To be able to use the i-mode features on your mobile, you
must have a GPRS subscription.
Whilst navigating the i-mode menu, please note that the up, down, left and right ar-
row keys allow you to access further settings or fields to be filled in, as well as valida-
tion and cancellation options (Ok, Cancel, Send, Save, etc.).
Scroll up or down to highlight (blue highlighting) the correct field, select an op-
tion or enter text. Depending on the menu you are in, you may have to scroll
down many times until you reach the correct option.
i-mode MENU
This section describes access to the i-mode lock, i-mode profiles and New mail alert.
To access these features:
i-mode LOCK
The purpose of this feature is to lock access to all i-mode features, thereby protecting your mo-
bile from any unauthorised operation.
To use the i-mode and connect to i-mode webpage, you must first need define and store the
profile details, then select the required i-mode profile.
This sub-menu allows you to define the alert melody that is played on new incoming mail or MMS.
Press OK. Select i-mode.
Press OK. Select i-mode.
2 Select i-mode lock.
3 Select lock.
4 Enter your 4 digit i-mode lock code and select OK.
1. The default i-mode lock code is 0000. To change the code, select Change lock code instead of lock and follow the
instructions displayed.
2. Mail reception is not affected by the i-mode lock. However it does not allow you to read the e-mails received.
Press OK. Select i-mode.
2 Select i-mode profiles.
3 Select one of the available profiles and select Options (left softkey).
4 Select Select.