
Calls & Times
ccess the Calls & Times menu to check the details of individual incoming and
outgoing calls, the duration of the last call, the total call time for all sent and
received calls or to play the recorded calls.
This feature stores details (identity, time and date and call duration) about the last 10 numbers
dialled, the last 10 unanswered calls and the last 10 received calls. The calls log can be acti-
vated for Line 1 and Line 2 (Line 1 is your main line. Line 2 availability is subscription depend-
The last number dialled or received is displayed first. The caller’s name is displayed if it is reg-
istered in one of the phonebooks (if not the phone number is displayed). If your subscription
does not have Caller Line Identification (CLI) ’Unknown number’ is displayed. If the caller has
with held his number, ’Withheld number’ is displayed.
Press call key to call the selected number.
Press Options to access the following menu:
Use the up or down arrow keys to select the required option and follow the instructions displayed.
The voice, Modem and GPRS call information for Line 1 and Line 2 is stored in the Call timers
The Details sub-menu stores time information on calls made and received via the home net-
work and whilst roaming (national and international networks).
Press OK. Select Calls & Times.
2 Select Calls log.
3 Select Last dial, Unanswered calls or Received calls.
4 Use the up or down arrow keys to scroll through the calls list.
Store To store the number in the phonebook.
Delete To delete the entry.
Delete all To delete all entries.
Edit To edit the displayed number.
Details To view the name, number, time and date and call duration (for answered
calls only) of the selected number.
Call To call the selected number.
Send SMS To send an SMS message to the selected phone number.
Press the call key from the standby display to access the last 10 numbers dialled.
If the call timers have been reset (see call timer - reset, page 31) the date of the latest counter reset is displayed
Press OK. Select Calls & Times.
2 Select Call timers.
3 Select Show.
4 Use the up or down arrow keys to view all the timer information.