To select the currencies and the exchange rate:
To calculate the conversion between the selected currencies:
This feature allows you to set a daily Reminder Alarm.
To set a time and turn the alarm on:
If the phone is off at alarm time, it automatically switches on.
To use the alarm as a Reminder or a Snooze Alarm:
If the phone is locked or if the PIN setting is on, the phone returns to this locked state after the
alarm has rung until you use it.
If the alarm is acknowledged but not validated after the 3rd (and final) alarm, the alarm indica-
tors remain on the display for up to 15 minutes (the mobile then either goes back to its 'on' or
'off' previous state).
To turn the alarm off:
The infrared port allows you to exchange data between the mobile and other devices (provided
they have an infrared port).
You can for instance download or send files such as images for your main screen (see pictures,
page 43 ), send or receive name cards,...
To initiate a transfer via the infrared port, your mobile must be facing another infrared port.
Both ports can then be opened and synchronised. The requested transfer can be performed.
Objects (e.g name cards) are transferred one by one.
Opening the infrared port allows you to receive information via this port.
Press OK. Select Tools.
2 Select Currency converter.
3 Select Settings.
4 Enter the first currency name (e.g. Euro). Press OK.
Enter the second currency name (e.g. Dollar). Press OK.
Enter the exchange rate using to enter a decimal point.
5 Press OK to validate the entry. Press Save to confirm data storage.
Press OK. Select Tools.
2 Select Currency converter.
3 Select one of the first two options.
4 Enter the amount to be converted. Press to insert a decimal point if needed.
5 Press OK. The converted amount and the exchange rate information are displayed.
Press OK. Select Tools.
2 Select Alarm clock.
3 Select On and enter the alarm time or press OK to validate the displayed time.
is displayed when reverting to the standby display.
When 'on', the alarm operates at the same time every day until turned off.
Press No ring, or any other key (except Valid. and OK) to snooze the alarm. The alarm icons
remain on the display and the alarm starts ringing again 3minutes later.
Or press Valid or OK to acknowledge the alarm and stop the alarm clock process.
If a call is in progress at alarm time a 'Call in progress' alert beep sounds and a visual alert is displayed every
3 minutes. Validate or acknowledge the alarm in the usual way.
Press OK. Select Tools.
2 Select Alarm clock .
3 Select Off.