
FX Series Programmable Controllers Basic Program Instructions 2
2.5 Out
Basic points to remember:
- Connect the OUT instruction directly to the right hand bus bar.
- It is not possible to use the OUT instruction to drive ‘X’ type input devices.
- It is possible to connect multiple OUT instructions in parallel (for example see the
previous page; M100/T0 configuration)
2.5.1 Timer and Counter Variations
When configuring the OUT instruction for use as either a timer (T) or counter (C) a constant
must also be entered. The constant is identified by the letter “K” (for example see previous
page; T0 K19).
In the case of a timer, the constant “K” holds the duration data for the timer to operate, i.e. if a
100 msec timer has a constant of “K100” it will be (1005 100 msec) 10 seconds before the
timer coil activates.
With counters, the constant identifies how many times the counter must be pulsed or triggered
before the counter coil activates. For example, a counter with a constant of “8” must be
triggered 8 times before the counter coil finally energizes.
The following table identifies some basic parameter data for various timers and counters;
Mnemonic Function Format Devices Program steps
Final logical
operation type coil
Y, M, S, T, C
Y, M:1
S, special M
coils: 2
C (16 bit): 3
C (32 bit): 5
Timer/Counter Setting constant K Actual setting Program steps
1 msec Timer
1 to 32,767
0.001 to 32.767 sec
10 msec Timer 0.01 to 327.67 sec
100 msec Timer 0.1 to 3276.7 sec
16 bit Counter 1 to 32,767 1 to 32,767
32 bit Counter
-2,147,483,648 to
-2,147,483,648 to