
Introduction 1
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1) Scope of this manual
This manual gives details on all aspects of operation and programming for FX
1S, FX1N,
2N and FX2NC programmable controllers (PLCs). For all information relating to the PLC
hardware and installation, refer to the appropriate manual supplied with the unit.
2) How to use this manual
This manual covers all the functions of the highest specification Programmable (Logic)
Controller (PLC). For this reason, the following indicator is included in relevant section titles
to show which PLCs that section applies to;
Shaded boxes indicate
the applicable PLC type
- “FX
1S)” - All FX1S PLCs
- “FX
1N” - All FX1N PLCs
- “FX
2N” - All FX2N PLCs
- “FX
2NC” - All FX2NC PLCs
If an indicator box is half shaded, as shown to the
left, this means that not all the functions described in
the current section apply to that PLC. The text
explains in further detail or makes an independent
If there are no indicator boxes then assume the section applies to all PLC types unless
otherwise stated.
3) FX family
This is a generic term which is often used to describe all Programmable Controllers without
identifying individual types or model names.
4) CPU version numbers and programming support
As Mitsubishi upgrades each model different versions have different capabilities.
- Please refer to section 1.4 for details about peripheral support for each model.