FX Series Programmable Controllers Devices in Detail 4
4.11.5 2 Phase Bi-directional Counters (C246 to C250)
These counters have one input for counting up and one input for counting down. Certain
counters also have reset and start inputs as well.
When X10 is ON, C246 resets in the same
way as standard 32bit counters.
Counter C246 uses inputs;
X0 to count up and
X1 to count down
For any counting to take place the drive input
X11 must be ON to set and reserve the
assigned inputs for the attached counter, i.e. C246.
X0 moving from OFF to ON will increment C246 by one
X1 moving from ON to OFF will decrement C246 by one
Bi-directional counter C250 can be seen to
have X5 as its reset input and X7 as its start
input. Therefore, a reset operation can be
made externally without the need for the RST
C250 instruction.
X13 must be ON to select C250. But start
input X7 must be ON to allow C250 to actually count. If X7 goes OFF counting ceases.
Counter C250 uses input X3 to count up and input X4 to count down.
Device size:
• All of these counters have 32bit operation.
Setting range:
• -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
Direction setting:
• The counting direction for 1 phase counters is dependent on their corresponding flag
M8✰✰✰; where ✰✰✰ is the number of the corresponding counter, (C241 to C245).
- When M8✰✰✰ is ON the counter counts down,
- When M8✰✰✰ is OFF the counter counts up.