Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual 63
2. Programmable Parameters
For a complete list of programmable parameters and the
available settings for the Stratos CRT-Ps, see Section 11.
2.1 Pacing Modes
For a complete list of pacing modes available in each
Stratos CRT-P configuration, see Section 11.1.
2.1.1 Rate-adaptive Modes
The rate-adaptive modes are designated with an “R” in the fourth
position of the NBG pacemaker code on the programmer screen.
The rate-adaptive modes function identically to the
corresponding non-rate-adaptive modes, except that the basic
rate increases when physical activity is detected by the motion
In demand modes (i.e., DDDR, DDIR, DVIR, VDDR, VVIR,
AAIR), it is possible that the atrial and/or ventricular refractory
period can comprise a major portion of the basic interval at high
sensor-modulated rates. This may limit the detection of
spontaneous events or even exclude their recognition altogether.
Rate Adaptive Pacing – Use rate-adaptive pacing with care
in patients unable to tolerate increased pacing rates.
2.1.2 DDD
The timing of the Stratos CRT-Ps is based on atrial events.
In the case of an atrial sensed or paced event, the AV delay
starts the same time as the basic interval. If a ventricular sensed
event does not occur within the AV delay, ventricular pacing is
initiated at the end of the AV delay. If ventricular sensing occurs
within the AV delay, ventricular pacing is inhibited.
If atrial sensing occurs outside the atrial refractory period, atrial
pacing is inhibited and the basic interval is restarted.