Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual 139
8. Lead Connection
8.1 Lead Configuration
The Stratos CRT-Ps allows programming of separate lead
polarities for pacing and sensing. Lead polarity can also be
programmed separately in both the atrial and ventricular
Lead Configuration – The polarity of the implanted lead
dictates what lead configuration can be programmed for the
CRT-P. Pacing will not occur with a unipolar lead if the lead
configuration of the respective channel is programmed to
bipolar (see Section 8).
Atrial Channel
In a unipolar lead configuration, the CRT-P pace and sense
between the tip electrode of the atrial lead (cathode) and the
housing (anode). In a bipolar lead configuration, the CRT-Ps
pace and sense between the tip and ring electrodes of the atrial
lead. Therefore, bipolar lead polarity should only be
programmed when a bipolar atrial lead is implanted.
Ventricular Channel
The Stratos CRT-Ps have a specially designed header that
allows sensing with only the RV channel while pacing in both the
right and left ventricles. Biventricular Therapy requires
programming of a bipolar or unipolar pacing configuration in the
ventricle as desired. Table 28
summarizes the sensing and
pacing configuration in the ventricle.