
108 Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual
Heart Failure Diagnostics
Mean Ventricular Heart Rate [ppm]
Mean Ventricular Heart Rate at Rest [ppm]
VES / 24 Hour
Daily Activity (hours)
Number of Mode Switches / 24 hours
Duration of Mode Switching / 24 hours [%]
Ventricular Rhythm
Mean Ventricular Rate at Mode Switching [ppm]
Number of Ventricular Episodes (>8 consecutive VES)
Number of Ventricular Runs (4…8 consecutive VES)
PMTs Detected
AV Conduction
With Intrinsic Rhythm (As-Vs) [%]
With Atrial Stimulation (Ap-Vs) [%]
With Ventricular Stimulation (As-Vp) [%]
With Atrial and Ventricular Stimulation (Ap-Vp) [%]
Mean P-Wave amplitude [mV]
Mean R-Wave amplitude [mV]
Atrial Pacing Impedance [ohms]
Right Ventricular Pacing Impedance [ohms]
Left Ventricular Pacing Impedance [ohms]
System Status
Battery Voltage [V]
Battery Impedance [ohms]
Battery Status