50 Control Panel Options
RX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-RX2RG-B
Access: Start | Settings| Control Panel | RFID | Filters tab
These options affect the LXE APIs. However, there are LXE APIs that can set filters.
Figure 3-13 RFID Properties / Filters Tab
Click the Restore Defaults button to set the parameters in the Filters to their factory default setting.
Click OK to save changes or X to ignore any changes and return to the Control Panel.
Default value for all parameters is blank. Tags read and reported are filtered through a logical OR
of the selected mask values.
Select Toggles between a blank and a checkmark. A checkmark in this field allows
the filter on that line to be active at the next and subsequent tag read action.
Field Name The user-friendly name for the filter. Accepts up to 40 alphanumeric
characters. Field is not case sensitive. Duplicate field names are allowed
between filters.
Offset The number of characters that offset the mask value from the beginning of the
tag. The range is from 0 to 23 (characters).
Mask Value Accepts up to 24 hexadecimal characters. Field is not case sensitive. Duplicate
mask values are allowed between filters. When filtering EPC decoded tags,
the filter is applied before the tag is converted to EPC.
When the maximum number of characters is exceeded, the mobile device beeps and will not allow
more characters to be entered.
See Also: “Decimal-Hexadecimal Chart”.