Software Update Manager 29
E-EQ-RX2RG-B RX2 Reference Guide
Test Mode
The Software Update Manager can be put into test mode. In test mode, rather than quitting upon
completion of the update check, the Manager pauses and initiates a new check. The pause interval
and the number of iterations of update checks can also be specified. The Manager goes into test
mode when it detects the file \System\LXE_SUM\TESTMODE.TXT. The pause interval and
number of iterations are stored in the file, as shown in the example below:
Sample contents of testmode.txt:
Delay Parameter
The delay parameter is an integer specifying the number of seconds between checks. If the delay
parameter is missing or invalid, the default value is 0 seconds (or no delay between checks).
The implementation of the delay depends on the updates received:
• If the Manager normally would have quit because it found no updates requiring a
reboot, the delay is applied before the next update check.
• If the Manager needs to reboot to apply the updates, the delay occurs prior to the
Iteration Parameters
The max_iterations parameter is a positive integer. If the max_iterations parameter is present, the
manager keeps track of the number of update checks performed by storing it in the testmode.txt
file as cur_iteration. This parameter is not to be edited by the administrator. When the final
iteration is reached the file testmode.txt is automatically deleted and the Manger returns to its
normal operating mode.
If the max_iterations parameter is missing or invalid, the Manager repeats until manually quit by
clicking on the close window control. In this case, it is necessary to manually delete the
testmode.txt file to restore normal operations.
Log Entries
Special log entries indicate that the Manager is operating in test mode. If the max_iterations
parameter is present, each cycle is indicated with the following entry:
TEST MODE: Iteration 1 of 2
If max_iterations is not present, the following entry is used instead:
TEST MODE: Iteration 1
If the delay parameter is present, the following entry appears at the end of the current iteration:
TEST MODE: Sleeping seconds before next check...