118 Cisco Radio
RX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-RX2RG-B
WPA for the Cisco Radio
Please refer to the “LXE Security Primer” to prepare the Authentication Server and
Access Point for RX2 communication.
Because the RX2 does not maintain date/time when Off, authentications using
certificates are not supported on the RX2.
System Requirements
To support Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), the mobile device must be equipped as follows:
• Cisco 350 radio card with driver release 2.60 (or later).
The LXE RX2 supports limited WPA authentications. The Microsoft supplicant and Cisco
supplicants are used separately or together to provide support for the different authentications.
Configuration for WPA-PSK is done with the Microsoft Wireless Configuration tool.
WPA/LEAP requires the Cisco supplicant and Cisco ACU configuration tool.
Other WPA authentications are not supported.
Installing Radio drivers
The system load on the RX2 contains two Cisco drivers. Since either driver supports WPA/LEAP
and WPA-PSK, LXE recommends leaving the default driver installed.