34 Adjusting the Display Backlight
MX7 User’s Guide E-EQ-MX7OGWW-C
Adjusting the Display Backlight
Set the Display Backlight Brightness
When the backlight is on, press the Blue key and the Scan key.
• Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to adjust backlight brightness until the display
lightens or darkens to your satisfaction.
• Press the Enter key to exit this mode.
At the minimum dimness level, the display is still viewable. The brightness setting is recalled
upon a return from Suspend and also upon a warm reset.
Set the Display Backlight Timer
Select | Settings | Control Panel | Display | Backlight tab. Change the parameter values and
tap OK to save the changes.
Figure 25 Setting the Display Backlight Timer
The first option affects the mobile device when it is running on battery power only. The second
option affects the device when it is running on external power (e.g. AC adapter).
The default value for the battery power timer is 3 seconds. The default value for the external
power timer is 2 minutes. The backlight will remain on all the time when both checkboxes are
The display backlight timer dims the backlight at the end of the specified time.