Revision Notice
Rev. Section Explanation
B Notices and
Appendix B –
Notices and
(May 2006) Added label and text : “Republic of Singapore – LXE Dealer License
Number DA103458 complies with IDA Standards.”
C Introduction (August 2006) Added Laser Label for Summit Client . Laser Label for Odyssey
Client does not change.
Quick Start
Added section titled “MX7 Features”. Added figure titled “MX7 Desktop.”
Added Multi AppLock activation key instruction “Entering the Multi AppLock
Activation Key”.
“Installing Trigger Handle”: Added: “Equipment Needed: Torque wrench capable of
torquing to 3±1 in/lb (.34± .11 N/m)”. Removed “and washers” from step 5 and
included torque instruction in step 6.
Expanded instruction when using audio cable and headsets “Connecting the Audio
Cable and a Headset”.
Added note about SE 824 scanner and it’s SE 955 replacement effective July 2006.
Added note to LXE Login Utility: “Should only be used with Odyssey Clients”.
Accessories: Added ROHS indicators. Added Voice accessories. Removed
MX7A309PSACWW. Added 9000A302PSACWW – AC/DC power supply, int’l,
no power cord.
C Appendix B –
Notices and
Added Summit Radio to Approvals section.
Added Laser Labels for Summit Client Mobile Device. Laser labels for Odyssey
Client do not change.
C Entire Manual Removed all reference to Bluetooth except to state that Bluetooth is not supported
by LXE.