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What to do if you feel your test result
may be wrong:
If you follow the instructions in this
booklet, you will find that it is easy to
get accurate results. If you suspect that
you are not getting accurate results, you
should do a Check Strip Test and a
Control Solution Test to check the Meter
operation, Test Strips, and your
procedure. (See Chapter 3, Checking the
System, for more information.) If after
performing these checks your results
still are not consistent with how you
feel, contact your physician or
healthcare professional.
There are a number of reasons why your
test result may be wrong:
You may not have
applied enough blood.
Look at the Test Spot
where you applied the
blood sample—it should
still have a wet, shiny
drop which completely
fills the circle. If the blood
sample has a dull, dry
appearance, you may have
smeared the sample or not applied
enough blood—this could cause an
inaccurately low result. (See Check the
Amount of Blood on the Test Strip in
Chapter 6, Testing Your Blood.)
The code number on the Meter
display doesn’t match the code on the
Test Strip package. Reset the code
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