. . . View Options and Folders
View Options and Folders
The Address Book provides a folder structure and
other options for viewing connections to computers.
Favorites- LapLink Gold Corporate allows you to mark
Laplink computers you connect to as Favorites when you
create address book entries. One click on the Favorites
icon on the Address Book tree will list all users you have
marked as Favorites in the pane on the right. These might
be frequently accessed computers, VIP’s or other connec
tions you want to keep on your Favorite list for easy access.
All Users- Selecting All Users lists all connections you
have in your entire address book, including all folders and
Choosing Global lists the Global folders. Global folders
contain connections that may be accessed by many differ-
ent users in your organization. For instance, it might be
useful to provide a group of connections to your entire tech
support team, and another list to your IT team. Global fold
ers can be shared among your teams using the Import/
Export features, which will be discussed later in this chapter
Choosing Local lists the Local folders on your system.
Local folders are used to store connections that you
wouldn’t need to share with the group. Local folders are not
affected by importing or exporting.
Renaming, Adding and Deleting Folders
LapLink Gold Corporate allows users to the ability to Add,
Rename or Delete Address Book folders
Adding a folder
To add a folder, select where in your address book you’d
like the new folder to appear. For instance, are these com
puter connections you’d want to share with others? If so,
you might click Global, as shown below. Right-click on the
location you selected to see your User and Folder options.
Choose Folder.