Dialing in to a network through a network server: Dial-Up Networking
Use Dial-Up Networking to dial in to a dial-up server (RAS) and log on to a network from outside the
office. Then connect to other LapLink computers on the network and use network resources as if you
were still in the office.
Use Dial-Up Networking to access a network remotely. By
dialing in to a dial-up server (RAS) on the network, you can
connect to any computer running LapLink on that network.
You can also connect to LapLink computers on the Internet
and browse the Internet using the Internet connection in the
office. In short, you can access the same network resources
you use in the office.
Before you use Dial-Up Networking
• Dial-Up Networking, a Windows feature, must be
installed on the the guest computer. See Windows help
for instructions.
• Your network must have a dedicated dial-up server
(such as Novell NetWare Connect, Windows Remote
Access Server, or Shiva NetModem). The computer
Use Dial-Up Networking to
dial in to a dial-up server
and connect to a network.
Then open connections to
other LapLink computers
on the network.