
Making a computer available for ILS connections
Internet connections are more easily established by the use of easy-to-remember names or addresses.
To make your computer available to other LapLink computers on the Internet, publish its address through
an ILS (Internet Locator Service) directory server. LapLink users who know this address can then locate
your computer on the Internet and open connections from anywhere in the world. LapLink maintains the
LapLink ILS server as a free service to our users..
Connecting to computers on the Internet is easy—when
you know their IP addresses. But IP addresses can be hard
to determine, and they often change. If you dial in to an
Internet service provider, for example, your computer may
be assigned a different IP address each time you go online.
So how do you make your computer available to other
LapLink computers on the Internet? You have your e-mail
address (or other unique identifier) “published” as your Inter
net address. You then let other LapLink users connect to
your computer by telling them your Internet address.
NOTEIf the computer is behind a firewall, there are addi-
tional requirements. See”Making an Internet connection to a
computer behind a firewall, or use LapLink Everywhere. See
”Connecting Over the Internet Using Laplink Everywhere
To allow other LapLink computers to
connect to a computer on the Inter-
net, set up LapLink to have the com-
puter’s address published through the
LapLink ILS.
In Internet Directory Options, specify
an e-mail address or some other
unique identifier as the Internet
Then notify other LapLink users so
that they can connect by supplying
the Internet address you have speci-