5) Click [3D Model], you can see the virtual 3D model.
While holding right-click button of the mouse, move the mouse, and you can revolute the model of the image
as you like.
While holding left-click button of the mouse, move the mouse, you can move the position of the image.
When you use the stereo assist function (refer to 4.34 Stereo assist) of VK2E, the shift direction of the
stereo information is saved automatically.
You can input this shift direction manually as follows.
1) Show the stereo image on the display and click [Edit Data] button.
2) In the ‘Patient Information’ box, there is the item “Comment”.
3) Type “stereo_l/” or “stereo_r/” in the comment, and click [APPLY]
4) After inputting both “stereo_l/” and “stereo_r/” in each stereo image.
5) Read the patient data again by [Search ID].
6) You would confirm the button [STEREO] at left side.