Operation of Menu Functions
The following functions are located from a pull-down list in the menu bar.
4-13.Select Print Out
The Select Print Out command allows you to print a selected set of images from the multiple image display.
Important: the printer settings must be set to “bi-directional support” and the “time-out” to maximum time
1. Choose from the menu [Setting] > [Set Right Click Mode] > [Select Print].
2. From the multiple image display, select the images to be printed by right clicking on each.
3. Click Print Out button from Command toolbar.
4-14.Delete Images
To delete a single image:
1. Display the image to be deleted.
2. Choose [File]>[Delete Image] from the menu. A warning message appears.
3. Click Ok.
Delete one image.
Click OK and the image will be deleted
To delete several images or a single image from a multiple display:
1. From the multiple display, right click on images to be deleted.
2. Choose [File]>[Delete Image] from menu.
Delete several images at the same time.