
4-6.Frame Size
The frame size button allows you to increase or reduce your view of the image.
To change the frame size, click on the frame size button.
For an image from a digital camera, the view changes from fit-to-screen to actual size.
To scroll the image, do one of the following:
·Use the scroll bars to view portions of the image that do not fit in the screen.
·Position the pointer over the image. Then hold down the left mouse button as you move the pointer. The image
moves with the pointer
4-7.Image Process
Click on the Image Process button to display the image processing bar as shown.
Non-Check ->Horizontal
You can choose horizontal or vertical type of imaging processing var.
Choose [Setting]>>[Other Setting]>>[Vertical type image controlbar]
When you change this setting, need to exit and re-start VK-2 application.
Refer to the Image Processing parts section for further details. -> [5.Image Processing]