Logging on and logging off
4-2 C650
Logging on and logging off Chapter 4
4 Logging on and logging off
4.1 When a logon screen appears
For details, refer to the User’s Guide [Copy Operations].
When the screen to enter the user name appears
If the message “Enter User Name and password, and then touch [Login] or
press the [Access] key.” appears, user authentication settings have been
specified on this machine.
If user authentication settings have been applied, this machine can only be
used by users who enter their user name and password. When the following
screen appears, type in the user name and password.
For a user name and password, contact the machine’s administrator.
Touch [User Name].
– The screen that appears differs depending on the Authentication method
settings in the Administrator Settings.
– If an authentication unit (biometric type) has been installed, place your
finger on the authentication unit (biometric type) to display the Basic
screen. For details on performing authentication using the authentication
unit (biometric type) and registering information, refer to the User’s Guide
[Copy Operations] or the manual included with the authentication unit
(biometric type).