A-61580 November 2007 4-17
Defining your print string Format Template — allows you to define your print string. The
maximum amount of characters for the print string is 40 characters
(including spaces).
Date — if you want to add a date to the print string, select one of the
following formats:
• Delimiter: select one of the following separators: Slash: /,
Hyphen: -, Period: . , Blank or none. For example: 08/24/2007,
08-24-2007, 08.24.2007 or 08 24 2007 or 08242007 (none).
Counter — if you want to add a Counter to the print string, you can
enter one of the following options:
• Initial Value: this value is used to assign the document count for the
next document entering the transport and is incremented sequentially
by the scanner unless another document count is received from the
host. This value is returned in the image header.
• Field Width: used to control the width of the document counter.
Values range from 1 to 9.
• Format: the format in which the printed image address appears
when printed is defined on the Image Address tab. The printed image
address may appear in one of three formats:
- Display Leading Zeros format (e.g.,
- Compress Leading Zeros format (e.g., 004. 3. 2. 1)
- Suppress Leading Zeros format (e.g.,
NOTE: The format chosen does not effect the fixed field of the image
address; it is always displayed and printed in its entirety. In
the example above, 004 has been defined as a fixed field.
Top margin — allows you to define the distance from the lead edge
before the print string begins. Enter the desired amount in the text box.
NOTE: Printing automatically stops 6.3 mm (1/4-inch) from the trailing
edge of the document even if the information has not been
completely printed.
Units — select Inches, Centimeters or Pixels.
Font — two different character styles, referred to as Normal and
Large, are available.
Rotations — you can select either 90, 180, 270 or Automatic.
• Automatic — the scanner will analyze each document to determine
how it was fed and will rotate the image to the proper orientation.
- There must be a sufficient amount of text on the page for this
option to work properly.
- This option is designed to work best with Latin-based characters
(e.g., English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish).
Horizontal print position The horizontal print position is set manually on the scanner. See
Chapter 4, The Enhanced Printer and Patch Readers, in the User’s
Guide for information on changing the horizontal print position.