2-16 A-61580 November 2007
Level rules Level rules are an automated way to control document image
addressing based on the level of the previous document. For a level 3
indexing scheme, the application must define the Level to Follow Level
rules for Level 3, Level 2, and Level 1 For example:.
Level to follow level rules are used to automatically drop to a lower
level. Returning to a higher level is generally done through patch or
application control of the next image address.
Controlling print strings Full control and access to the scanner’s print string functionality is
available to the host application. In addition, the print string information
is returned to the host in the image header.
Print string formatting • Maximum character length 40.
• Character set full alphanumeric, including special characters.
NOTE: To view Japanese characters correctly you must get the MS
Gothic font set by installing the Microsoft Global IME 5.01 for
Japanese – with Language Pack, English Language Version
which can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/ms download/
• Distance from lead edge a minimum of a .035-inch.
• Can print to within ½-inch of the trial edge.
Electronic color
The i1800 Series Scanners provide the ability to create dropout images
without changing lamps. Red, green, blue dropout functionality can be
selected. Only one color can be dropped out at a time. This dropout
performance is equivalent to color dropout functionality when using the
traditional color lamp technique.
Electronic color dropout is used with OCR and ICR applications. See
your vendor’s documentation for recommendations on image quality
Electronic color dropout is applied to the black and white image only.
There are four imaging parameters, which effect electronic color
dropout: Threshold Value/Filter Threshold, Background Value/
Background, Contrast %, and Threshold.
The tables that follow provide Pantone colors that may be used with the
red, green and blue dropout option.
Level to
Follow Level