
A-61580 November 2007 2-17
Two categories of performance are provided or each color: Colors that
can be completely dropped out and colors that are very close to
complete dropout. These values were established by using standard
Matching System® Colors guide (uncoated, 175-line screen).
If the background of the document you are using is not bright white the
results may vary. The default settings are:
Contrast% = 0
Threshold = 90
Color Filter = 175
Background = 245 this value should be set to match background
color of your document.
Resolution = 200 dpi
If the values above do not give you the desired results, you may need to
vary these values accordingly.
Red dropout Following is a list of Pantone colors which may be used with the red
dropout option
Red Dropout — Complete Dropout.
Red Dropout Near Complete Dropout
100U 114U 1225U 1365U 169U 210U 2562U 395U
101U 115U 1235U 141U 176U 217U 372U 3935U
102U 116U 127U 148U 1765U 223U 379U 3945U
Yellow U 120U 128U 149U 1767U 230U 380U 3955U
106U 121U 129U 150U 182U 236U 386U
107U 122U 134U 1485U 189U 2365U 387U
108U 123U 135U 155U 1895U 243U 388U
109U 1205U 1345U 1555U 196U 250U 393U
113U 1215U 1355U 162U 203U 256U 394U
130U 1505U 165U 177U 184U 199U 225U 2395U
136U Orange
021 U
166U 178U 185U 204U Rubine
Red U
Red U
137U 156U 1625U 179U 190U 205U 226U 244U
138U 157U 1635U 1775U 191U 206U 231U 245U
1375U 158U 1645U 1785U 192U 211U 232U 246U
142U 1565U 1655U 1788U 1905U 212U 237U 251U
143U 1575U 1665U 1777U 1915U 213U 238U 252U
144U 1585U 170U 1787U 1925U 218U 239U 257U
151U 163U 171U Red 932U 197U 219U 2375U 365U
1495 U 164U 172U 183U 198U 224U 2385U 396U