Multi-Media Unit: Installation Instructions
!43 To configure a Rapid Eye site’s camera(s)
1. Run a maintenance session at the pilot site.
2. Click the Video tab and adjust Picture controls as needed. See figure 35. The
adjustments are made on the fly; you do not need to click the Apply/Reset
button, as for older Multi-Media units.
3. You have the option of ending the Maintenance session for the Multi-Media unit.
3.3.6 Obtaining Video
!44 To obtain video from a “live video session”
1. Start by obtaining the list of cameras at the site. Either:
• Right-click on the site name to select Live from the shortcut menu.
• Select the site; then click Live on the Actions menu.
• Selecting the site; then click
on the toolbar.
2. Select cameras as required. Click OK. Video should appear. See figure 36.
3. End the Live session by closing the Live window or View.
Fig. 36. Live video from a camera, renamed to “side entrance”, at a site called: “Foucault
facility, 232”.