System Administrator’s Guide
Document K14392V1 Rev A 79
Camera Tips for Identification: Quality and Resolution
Fig. 5–14. Camera Distance Can Be more Important than High Resolutions.
Camera placement can be a crucial factor when troubleshooting resolution issues. If higher Quality
and Resolution values are insufficient for your video needs, consider consulting your system
installers about:
• Monitoring small or faraway objects. For license plates, facial traits, and so on, the closeness of
a camera to its subject and the ability to zoom can matter as much as, or even more than,
higher resolutions and higher quality.
• Using a gauntlet strategy. To identify vehicles by their license plate, install a camera at an entry
or exit point, at ground level. Close camera shots coupled with high resolution give the best
• Covering an area with a duo of cameras. One camera at a payment counter can be zoomed to
identify facial characteristics, while another can be installed a little farther away to survey more
of the scene.
• Using higher Quality and lower Resolution. The results can be better, with less impact on the
video archive.
Resolution Gauge for Retrieval Session
The resolution gauge appears when running View software. The resolution gauge for recorded
video differs from the gauge for live video. The gauge for live video is shown and explained in the
Rapid Eye View Software Operator Guide.
A gauge that indicates the resolution at which the recording was made
When an operator runs a retrieval session, a resolution gauge is displayed on each camera
window indicating the resolution at which the video was recorded.