System Administrator’s Guide
Document K14392V1 Rev A 251
Multi-Media unit operator: account and PPP, 196;
account limiting access to sites, 182; account
password. See user password; account, denying
access to, 131, 196; account, restricted names, 156;
account, to delete…, 160; Administrator account,
151; alarm, 187, 195; alarm station, 202, 203; as user,
151; clear storage, 131; customer device, 143; in
many dial-up areas, 34; lengthy spotting video, 117;
LocalView, 151; Modify Configuration right, 188;
obtaining an account, 155; password to user account,
164; PTZ use, 87; RAS, 47; RAS password and
username, 44; rights. See user account rights; rogue,
131, 196; security, 159; sound at PC, 147; time zone
conflict, 57; unauthorized, 131, 196; uploading file to
unit, 133; View-only user, 163
name: stream, to change, 130
NAT (network address translation): IP Port, 37, 206;
LAN IP, 37, 206
netBIOS name. See DHCP
network administrator, 35, 45, 47, 54, 136
network connection: alarm station, to..., 205; dial-up
connection, combining with, 43; Rapid Eye site,
default (table), 36; Rapid Eye site, to…, 136
network name. See DHCP
new device. See serial device
noise: background, 148; loud alarm, 148; rush-hour,
148; stadium crowd, 148
NTSC: incompatible with PAL, 180; Multi-Media LT, 81;
setting, 135
object, identifying. See security, presence or
open installations: Admin, 162
Orbiter dome, 88
Outside World event. See event, Outside World
PAL: incompatible with NTSC, 180; Multi-Media LT, 81;
setting, 135; video archive shorter than NTSC, 126
pan. See PTZ
panning: PTZ and video archive, 94
parallel phrasing for naming sites, 25
parameters: system password, 169
password: access point, 163, 195, 201; access point,
features, 163, 195, 201; Administrator. See
Administrator account; box, 164; copying or cutting to
Clipboard, 164; deleting, 164; features, 164; file, 164;
for group, 164; length, 164; optional, 164;
parameters, 164; pasting, 164; PPP, 196; removing.
See deleting, and resetting; repeated use, 164;
resetting, 164; setting, 164; system. See system
password; typing twice, 164; unique, 164; user. See
user password; using text securely in, 164
passwords, 164
pasting a password, 164
Pelco P/D PTZ driver/dome, 88
PIT (Protocol Interface Translator), 146
Point to Point Protocol. See PPP
port 6. See FAULT RELAY
power outage. See security risk
PPP: password precedence, 44; temporary network, 139
presence of individual or object. See security,
presence or identification, See security, presence
or identification
preset 1, PTZ. See PTZ, first preset
prevent access. See limiting access
primary connection: to make a connection a…, 43
priority: security (table), 162
Protocol Interface Translator. See PIT
PTZ: at close of session, 93; auto-focus, 94; auto-iris,
94; camera address, 86; CONTROL OUTPUT, 86;
dartboard control, 88; driver, 63; end of session
behavior (table), 94; external controller, 86; first
preset, 92, 93, 94; motion detection, 93; preset
tour, 94; rubber-band control, 90; security officer,
87; serial device, 86; Ultrak KD6i restriction, 93, 94;
When Live Closes, 87; zonal mode, 89, 91
public display monitor: hardware control of,, 141;
RapidDome, 88
RAS server: in connection definition, 45; need to use, 47;
to connect to alarm station, 216
recording video. See continuous recording and event