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Software Handshaking
The SSI Options bar codes are directed toward the host programmer when writing host/scanner interface programs for
different hosts. Contact Customer Support (page 10-1) for technical help.
This parameter offers control of the data transmission process in addition to that offered by hardware handshaking.
Hardware handshaking is always enabled and cannot be disabled by the user.
Scan one of the following bar codes to set software handshaking.
Disable ACK/NAK Handshaking
When this option is selected, the decoder will neither generate nor expect ACK/NAK handshaking packets.
* Enable ACK/NAK Handshaking
When this option is selected, after transmitting data, the scanner expects either an ACK or NAK response from the
host. The scanner will also ACK or NAK messages from the host when this option is selected.
The scanner waits up to the programmable Host Serial Response Time-out to receive an ACK or NAK. If the scanner
does not get a response in this time, it resends its data up to two times before discarding the data and declaring a
transmit error.