
4 - 16
Parameter Pass Through
Enable Parameter Pass Through to transmit bar codes in the following format, in Code 128, to the host:
<FNC3>L<any length data>
<FNC3>B<12 characters of data>
Note that the special Code 128 character <FNC3> must appear at the beginning of this data. However, if the appropriate
data does not follow this as shown above, it does not transmit to the host device.
Parameter Scanning
Use this parameter to decide whether scanner parameters can be set using the bar codes in this section.
Note: When this parameter is disabled, scan the Set Default Parameter (page 4-6) bar code to enable parameter scanning.
When disabled, either scan the Enable Parameter Scanning bar code or the Set All Defaults bar code (or set this parameter
to 01h via a serial command) to reset the parameter and bar codes in this section can then be scanned.
When enabled, scanners can be configured using the bar codes in this section.
Select a mode by scanning either of the bar codes shown below.
Enable Parameter Pass Through
* Disable Parameter Pass Through
* Enable Parameter Scanning
Disable Parameter Scanning