4 - 19
Decode Data Packet Format
This parameter selects whether decoded data is transmitted in raw format (unpacketed), or transmitted with the packet
format as defined by the serial protocol.
If the raw format is chosen, ACK/NAK handshaking is automatically disabled for decode data.
Set this parameter by scanning either of the following bar codes.
The SSI Options bar codes are directed toward the host programmer when writing host/scanner interface programs for
different hosts. Contact Customer Support (page 10-1) for technical help.
Host Character Time-out
Host Character Time-out Default: 200 msec
This parameter determines the maximum time the decoder waits between characters transmitted by the host before
discarding the received data and declaring an error. The time-out is set in 0.01 second increments from 0.01 seconds
to 0.99 seconds. After scanning the bar code below, scan two numerical bar codes to set the desired time-out.
To begin setting the time-out value, scan this bar code:
Next, scan two numeric bar codes that correspond to the desired value using the Keypad Number Symbols at the end
of this chapter. Single digit numbers must have a leading zero. For example, a value of 300 msec is selected by scan-
ning the “3” and the “0” numeric bar codes. A value of 30 msec is selected by scanning the “0” and the “3” bar codes.
If you wish to change your selection, scan Cancel on Keypad Number Symbols (page 4-72).
The SSI Options bar codes are directed toward the host programmer when writing host/scanner interface programs for
different hosts.
Host Serial Response Time-out
Host Serial Response Time-out Default: 2 sec
This parameter determines the maximum time the decoder waits for an ACK or NAK before resending. Also, if the
decoder wants to send, and the host has already been granted permission to send, the decoder waits for the desig-
nated time-out before declaring an error. The delay period can range from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds in 0.1 second incre-
ments. After scanning the bar code below, scan two numerical bar codes to set the delay.
To begin setting the time-out value, scan this bar code:
* Send Raw Decode Data
Send Packeted Decode Data