C - 1
V8.5e Rev 2.2.2002
The new Centronics adapter (rev1-2) implements some improve-
ments over the previous (rev1-1) adapter card. These include:
a) Rev 1-2 cards will accept either of the two data transfer
methods described below automatically; no switches or
jumpers required.
b) Reliable data transfers using up to 40 ft length of
shielded cable.
c) Rev 1-1 adapter cards exhibit inconsistent data transfer
with newer generation PC.’s equipped with high speed
integrated Centronics parallel ports.
The following are two transfer formats that can be used with the
optional V8.5E Centronics parallel adapter:
1.) Standard transfer format
To place the V8.5E Centronics adapter in raster mode, the
following 3 bytes (hex) must be sent to the Centronics
adapter card:
1B, 2A, 00
Once these 3 bytes are sent, rastered plot data can be sent
to the plotter as follows:
V8.5E bytes/scan menu setting bytes/scan raster data
b1 216
b2 264
g1-g4 1728