4-7V8.5e Rev 2.2.2002
If the contrast needs further adjusting, change the contrast setting
by starting at the lowest value, adjust the contrast upwards one
value at a time, testing after each adjustment. This is particularly
important when using lightweight papers or papers with unknown
CAUTION: Thermal plotting technology involves high temperatures.
Incorrect media or contrast settings can damage the printhead or
other components and void the warranty. Media damage can also
VORSICHT: Bei der thermischen Plottertechnologie entstehen hohe
Temperaturen. Ungeeignete Medien oder falsche
Kontrasteinstellungen können den Druckkopf oder andere Bauteile
beschädigen und zu Verlust der Garantie führen. Auch können
Beschädigungen an den Medien entstehen.
The speed function adjusts the speed of the plot output. There are
four output plot speed settings in the V8.5e: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0
inches per second. The default setting is 1.0 inch per second which
produces the highest quality output.
If the plot speed is erratic, or if output quality is unacceptable,
lowering the plot speed will result in an improved plot quality. Such
problems may arise when data enters the plotter at a slower rate
than the plot speed setting. Lowering the output plotting speed
enables the plotter to match a lower input data rate and produces a
smoother output plot.
When the media setting is film (LF or HF), the plotter speed defaults
to 1 inch per second. When Grayscale mode is enabled, plot speed
is dependent upon the level of grayscale selected.