
5 -7V8.5e Rev 2.2.2002
Scan width
Scan width settings sent from host software can specify the number
of bytes of data that will be plotted on a line. The maximum setting
that data can be rastered to is 264 bytes per scan.
NOTE: The thermal head holds a maximum of 216 bytes of data. When
the plotter is set to 264 bytes per scan, the first 216 bytes of data from
the host are loaded into the thermal head to be plotted and the last 48
are discarded.
For rastered data less than the current byte count setting on the
plotter, the scan may be terminated at any byte count by a RLTER
command. If a RLTER command is asserted, the scan is terminated
and the plot continues on the next line.
Vertical resolution
The vertical resolution of the plot can be changed from the default
value of 203 dpi (n3or P3) to 200 dpi (n0 or P0, also known as
Imperial unit setting). See “Emulation”, in Chapter 4, Operation, for
information on control panel settings.
The plotter emulates the 200 dpi resolution by stretching the plot
length. This is accomplished by inserting micro-steps at regular
intervals, so that 200 scans cover one inch of plot.
The scaling function either stretches or shrinks the plot by removing
or adding a micro-step at a set interval. Adjustments can be made to
the scaling in increments of +/- 1/16” over 36” of plot length. The
interval is determined by the scaling setting on the control panel.
See “Scaling” in Operation, Chapter 4, Page 4-9, for information on
control panel settings.