Troubleshooting the Printing System 7-45
General Paper Path Troubleshooting
Paper jams occur in the printer when paper does not either reach or
clear a photosensor along the printer’s paper path in a specific
amount of time. If a paper jam occurs, a
is displayed on the printer’s Control Panel. The following table
contains general questions you might ask and topics to explore prior
to troubleshooting. See the 13.xx section in the Event Log for specific
error codes.
Table 7-8. General Paper Path Troubleshooting Questions
Troubleshooting Check Action
What is the frequency of the paper jams (for
example: continuous, one jam per 100 pages,
one jam per 1000 pages)?
Verify with the customer. Print the Event Log to
determine the paper jam history. See “Display”
(page 7-12) and the “Sample Event Log”
(page 7-13) and evaluate the Event Log.
Do paper jams only occur when the paper is
fed from a particular paper input source (such
as Tray 1 or Tray 2)?
Use the Paper Path Test to isolate the problem
(page 7-47).
Do jams only occur when paper is output to a
specific output bin (either the Top Output Bin
or Rear Output Bin)?
Use the Paper Path Test to isolate the problem
(page 7-47).
Do paper jams occur with a specific type of
Try different media. See the
HP LaserJet
Printer Family Paper Specification Guide
. The
guide is bundled with this service manual.
Where does the leading edge of the first sheet
of paper in the printer’s paper path stop when
a jam occurs? Are any sheets of paper
damaged or torn?
Attempt to duplicate. Use the Paper Path Test
to isolate the problem. Inspect the paper path
and all paper path mechanical assemblies up
to the location where the paper jams.
Is the customer loading the paper trays
Observe the customer loading paper. Do not
fan paper. See proper paper handling
procedures in the
HP LaserJet Printer Family
Paper Specification Guide
Is the customer overfilling the paper trays? Ensure that paper is NOT over the maximum
fill marks in the paper trays. Observe the
customer loading paper in the trays.