5-42 Functional Information
Pickup and Feeding
The Paper Feeder picks up the paper from the installed trays and
feeds the paper to the printer. The flow of the paper is shown below.
Figure 5-27 Paper Feed from Trays
The paper size and the presence of the 500-sheet Tray are detected
by three switches (SW801, 802, 803) on the Paper Feeder Driver
PCA. The relationship between the switch combinations and the
paper sizes is the same as for the printer.
The Paper Feeder is driven by the Main Motor (M101) of the printer.
When the /PRNT signal is sent to the Paper Feeder from the
Formatter, the Main Motor (M101) of the printer starts rotation. When
the Main Motor reaches its prescribed speed, the Paper Feeder
Driver PCA receives the pickup command from the Engine Controller
Board, and the Paper Feeder Pickup Solenoid (SL801) is turned on.
(The Pickup Roller, Feed Roller, and Separation Roller are driven by
the Main Motor’s rotation.)
The Pickup Roller, driven by the Solenoid, rotates once, picking up
the paper inside the 500-sheet tray. Any unnecessary sheets are
removed by the Separation Roller and the paper is fed to the pre-feed
sensor (PS102) of the printer.