7-2 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Process
The troubleshooting process is a systematic approach that addresses
the major problems first, and then other problems as you identify the
causes for printer malfunctions and errors. The “Troubleshooting
Flowchart” on page 7-4 illustrates the major steps for troubleshooting
the printing system. Each heading depicts a major troubleshooting
A “yes” answer to the questions allows you to proceed to the next
major step.
A “no” answer indicates that additional testing is needed. Proceed to
the referenced location and follow the directions for that area. After
completing the additional testing, proceed to the next major step.
The following list describes the basic questions for the customer and
the corresponding troubleshooting step to help you quickly define the
Table 7-1. Major Steps for Troubleshooting
Power On
(page 7-7)
Does the printer perform the initialization and power-on steps?
This section gives the procedures for correcting power supply
(page 7-12)
Does the Control Panel indicate
, or
This section gives the procedures for clearing Control Panel error
messages and displaying and correcting Event Log codes.
Event Log
(page 7-13)
Are there recurring problems in the Event Log?
This section gives information about printing the Event Log and
evaluating the error history.
Printer Messages
(page 7-17)
Does the printer’s Control Panel display an error message?
This section provides an alphabetical and numerical listing of the
printer’s Control Panel messages, and gives the recommended
actions to resolve the problem.