AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Two different ways can be used to configure AG-168V H323 phone:
phone web browser, Telnet commands on computer.
Phone Keypad setup
Using the keyboard of the normal phone connecting to AG-168V FXS
port and the “IP key” , which can preset and enter into “Setting mode” ,
operation as below:
Operation Function
1 with handset of FXS port ‘s phone hung, press IP ,voice promt “local ip”
1234+X+ IP
2 with handset of FXS port ‘s phone hung, press default password, then
input the number of X + “ IP” button in order to set different network
X valued 0 = stataic IP; 1 = DHCP ; 2 = PPPoE; 3= modem
1234+ IP
3 with handset of FXS port ‘s phone hung, press default password, and
press “ IP” button, enter “setting mode”
4 with handset of FXS port ‘s phone hung, press default password, then