AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
address of IP GATEWAY manually; 1: use DHCP mode. With this system,
your LAN or router automatically assigns all the required network parameters
to any device connected to it when the device log on. AG-168V IP
GATEWAY is shipped from the factory with DHCP on. So, if your LAN or
router is configured to use DHCP addressing, the IP GATEWAY’s LAN
parameters will automatically be configured as soon as it is connected to the
LAN or router and powered up; 2: use PPPoE mode. Those ADSL and Cable
Modem users please select this item for it is a protocol especially designed
for them. With this system, ADSL ISP automatically assigns all the required
IP parameters to any device connected to it when the device log on; 3: use
modem mode. Those who use IP GATEWAY with modem, please set the
value as 3.
set pppid XXX
With iptype set as 2, use this command to set ADSL ID; with iptype set as 3,
use this command to set Modem ID.
set ppppin XXX
With iptype set as 2, use this command to set ADSL pin; with iptype set as 3,
use this command to set Modem pin.
With iptype set as 0, use this command to set IP address of AG-168V IP
set subnetmask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX