AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Set types of ring. X is ranged from 0 tohrough 12: 0-9: ring as ordinary rings
in different frequency; 10: do not ring; 11: ring as music shipped from factory;
12: ring as music saved by user
set digitmap X
Set whether to use digitmap. X ranged from 0 to 1: 0: do not use digitmap; 1:
use digitmap.
set fwdnumber XXXXXXX
Set receiving forwarded calls GATEWAY number. XXXX must be an Arabic
numeral and no longer than 16 characters
set fwdpoweroff X
Enable/disable forward calls if power off. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0: do
not forward calls if power off; 1: forward call if power off.
set fwdalways X
Enable/disable forward all calls. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0: do not
forward all calls; 1: forward all calls.
set fwdbusy X
Enable/disable forward calls if busy. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0: do not
forward calls if busy; 1: forward call if busy.
set fwdnoanswer X
Enable/disable forward calls without replying. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0:
do not forward calls without replying; 1: forward call without replying.
set audioframes X