1 Introduction
This manual is designed to assist in installing, operating, and
maintaining Rosemount
Model 444 Alphaline
Section 2 Installation
provides mechanical, electrical, and environmental considerations to
guide you through a safe and effective transmitter installation.
Section 3 Calibration
provides different Model 444 calibration procedures.
Section 4 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
provides hardware diagnostics, maintenance tasks, basic hardware
troubleshooting techniques, and considerations for returning materials.
Section 5 Specifications and Reference Data
provides functional, performance, and physical transmitter
specifications; also includes transmitter dimensional drawings,
ordering information, and spare parts.
Section 6 Options
provides a listing of transmitter options and a description of each.
Appendix A Approval Drawings
contains approval drawings for Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
and Factory Mutual (FM) instrinsic safety installation.
Appendix B Temperature Sensor Reference Information
provides reference information regarding the application of various
Rosemount temperature sensors.