Overload Limitation
666 mA.
Temperature Limits
Storage: –40 to 85 °C (–40 to 185 °F).
Operating: –20 to 70 °C (–4 to 158 °F).
Between temperatures –40 to –20 °C (–40 to –4 °F), the loop is intact and the
meter is not damaged.
Humidity Limitation
0 to 95% non-condensing relative humidity.
Update Period
750 ms.
Response Time
Responds to changes in input within a maximum of two update periods. If the
filter is activated, then the display responds to the change within nine update
Digital Display Resolution
0.05% of calibrated range ±1 digit.
Analog Bar Graph Resolution
0.05% of calibrated range.
Indication Accuracy
0.25% of calibrated range ±1 digit.
Over Time: 0.1% of calibrated range ±1 digit per six months.
Temperature Effect
0.01% of calibrated range per °C on zero.
0.02% of calibrated range per °C on span over the operating temperature range.
Power Interrupt
All calibration constants are stored in EEPROM memory and are not affected by
power loss.
Failure Mode
LCD meter failure will not affect transmitter operation.
Under/Over Range Indication
Input current < 3.5 mA: Display blank.
Input current > 22.0 mA: Display flashes 112.5% of full scale value or 9999,
whichever is less.
Physical Specification Meter Size
2¼-inch diameter face with ½-inch high characters.