3 Calibration
Each transmitter is factory calibrated to the temperature range shown
on the nameplate. If calibration to a specific range is not specified on
the purchase order, the transmitter is calibrated to maximum span
with a base temperature of 0 °C, and the “Calibration” entry on the
transmitter nameplate is left blank. For more specific calibration
information and a complete breakdown of transmitter parts, refer to
Section 5 Specifications and Reference Data.
Only a few calibration laboratories have the kind of precision
temperature baths necessary for accurate direct calibration of a
temperature sensor or sensor/transmitter system. As a result, the
transmitter is normally calibrated by substituting a resistance decade
box for an RTD or a compensated thermocouple simulator for a
This section contains the following transmitter calibration information:
• Calibrating a RTD Transmitter
• Calibrating a Thermocouple Transmitter
• Calibrating a Low-Power Transmitter
• Calibrating a Millivolt Transmitter
This section contains procedures that require removing the transmitter
covers and making electrical connections. The following safety
messages apply to all such procedures.
Explosion may result in death or serious injury. Do not
remove the instrument cover in explosive atmospheres
when the circuit is alive.
High voltage that may be present on leads can cause
electrical shock. Avoid contact with the leads and the