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A.1. F110 Modbus Capabilities
By default, the F110 is enabled to listen on TCP port 502 for Modbus requests. The Modbus
module can be enabled or disabled, the TCP port can be changed, and a list of IP addresses can
be specified and used to either allow or deny Modbus requests.
A.2. Telnet Configuration
Modbus can be configured through the F110 Telnet interface. To open the Telnet interface, type
the following on the command line being sure to replace <IP Address> with the IP address of
the F110:
telnet <IP Address> 9999
Press Enter when prompted to enter Setup Mode. If Enter is not pressed within three (3)
seconds, the connection will be closed automatically.
Figure A.1
Telnet Connection
Enter 2 and press Enter to select the SNMP/MODBUS Configuration option. At the next
prompt, enter 2 and press Enter to select the MODBUS Configuration option. Follow the
prompts below to configure Modbus on the F110.