www.rletech.com 22 970.484.6510
3 F110 Web Interface
3.3.2 Email
The Email tab stores settings for the F110 to send Email Alert Notifications when alert
thresholds are exceeded. In order to enable email alerting from the F110's web server interface,
your mail server must have SMTP Relay enabled for either your network or the IP address of
the F110. Contact your Email Administrator if you need assistance.
Enter the mail server address for the mail server you are using in the Mail Server Address
field. The address can be entered as either the IP address or the DNS name of your mail server.
If you wish to use a DNS name for the Mail Server Address field, you must assign a Static IP
address, Gateway IP address, DNS Server IP address, and Subnet Mask on the Network tab.
In the Email Recipients fields, you can enter a single/regular email address, distribution list
email address or mobile phone, pager or PDA email address (using Email-To-SMS) for email
alert when alert thresholds are exceeded. Only one address may be entered.
The Return Address (From) field MUST contain an email address for an active account on the
mail server specified in the Mail Server Address field. For example, if 'mail.rletech.com' is
entered in the Mail Server Address field, the Return Address (From) field must contain an
email address with the 'mail.rletech.com' domain. Contact your email administrator if you
require additional assistance.
The F110 can also do authenticated SMTP (ESMTP). Enter your user name and password in
the fields and select the check box for Enable Authentication. You MUST save your settings
before sending a test email. Refer to xrefpg. X for Trace output, to view mail transfer
information between the F110 and mail server for troubleshooting.
Note You must save your settings before sending a test email.
Figure 3.4
Email Settings