www.rletech.com 24 970.484.6510
3 F110 Web Interface
3.3.4 Channel 2, Channel 3 and Channel 4
The Channel 2, Channel 3 and Channel 4 tabs are used to configure sensor labels and to set
temperature thresholds, temperature/humidity thresholds and/or alarm states for the sensors
connected to sensor channels 2, 3 and 4 on the front of the F110. Sensor labels can be up to 14
characters in length.
Depending on whether an external temperature / humidity sensor, external temperature sensor
or any additional external sensor is plugged into the sensor channel, configuration of each
specific channel may vary. External Temperature/Humidity
High and low thresholds can be defined for each temperature/humidity sensor. If the current
temperature and/or humidity rises above the high threshold or falls below the low threshold, an
alert will be generated. When the temperature and/or humidity returns to a normal state, the alert
will clear and a follow-up notification will be sent.
The temperature/humidity sensors can be calibrated, if necessary, by entering correction values
in the Adjust field for each temperature/humidity sensor. Temperature corrections entered here
can only be entered in degrees Celsius (i.e. °Celsius = [5/9]*[°Fahrenheit-32]). Humidity
corrections are entered in percent (%) Relative Humidity. To adjust the temperature and/or
humidity down, enter a minus (-) sign before the value (i.e. -5). All temperature alert thresholds
must be entered in degrees Fahrenheit and all humidity alert thresholds must be entered in
percent (%) Relative Humidity.
Field Temperature Units
High Fahrenheit
Low Fahrenheit
Adjust Celsius