86 Extras
The object of Solitaire is to form four piles of cards, one per suit, running
from ace to king. The cards are dealt out into seven columns. The last six
columns have one or more cards facing downwards. If the top card in a
column is removed, revealing the face-down card, you may turn it face up.
Only kings, or stacks of cards beginning with a king may be moved to an
empty column.
Columns of cards are built up in descending order and alternating colour.
For example, the eight of hearts may be placed on either the nine of clubs
or spades.
The remaining cards in the deck are available for play. You can turn these
cards one ata time. The card in the discard pilemay be placed on the columns
or the ace piles. When you run out of cards in the deck, you can flip it over
and continue.
To start Solitaire
1. Scroll to
, YES,
, YES,
, YES.
appears in the display.
2. To start a game select
New game
Resume game
if you have played before).
• Instead of choosing Start you can scroll with
d to select
Resume game or Help (at step 2 above).
To control the game
• 1 = Select card/pile, Confirm move, Flip card
• 2 =Turnupnewcardfromgamedeck
• 3 = Put card on ace pile
• 4 = View a pile (selection and move is possible)